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- My #1st Notion Tool was Rough
My #1st Notion Tool was Rough
Read Time: 3min 32s
Here it is in all its glory.
The first tool I built in Notion:
(Well, for me & my business in general, that was truly my own)

It’s just a few lists of checkboxes.
But at the time, that was all I needed to track and get things done.
But times have changed.
Now why on earth do you care about a few checkboxes I created over a year ago now?
Well, let me put it this way:
I went from using Notion to track simple things to creating dashboards like this and getting paid enough to leave my 9-5 for it:

But how?
I invested in my skill set.
You see, I used to “try” and day-trade the stock market, and well, long story short, I made a good amount of money, but I probably lost even more.
So I went from cue the clique Hormozi line
Investing in the S&P 500 to the S&ME 500.
I bought courses upon courses & coaches. Not all were great, but the few that were helped propel me to build my own agency where I doubled down on the skills I had (I.E. Notion)
The reason I’m telling you all this is because I see a lot of people that are just stuck.
Stuck doing things the way they’ve always been, but let me let you in on a secret you might have heard before: What you got here won’t be what gets you there.
Change is the nature of life and a part of the human condition.
If you want to get ahead of 99% of your completion, embrace change instead of running from it. Easier said than done, I know, but since this is even an issue, awareness is the first step.
How can you make this change?
Well, in my own experience, every time I invested in skills, that would either.
A) Increase the quality of my life
B) Increase my earning capacity
Soon after, I would make the most progress.
But we are all individuals, and what worked for me might not work for you.
I invested in courses, books & a coach/community, but that’s not the only thing you can invest in.
Depending on where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, it might be best to invest in new experiences, memories, a coach, a community, and an agency in your business to get your time back, yada, yada, yada.
I can’t make this decision for you, but I can help you along the way by sharing what’s worked for me.
But before I go, I wanted to share the biggest mistake I see people make:
Not taking action.
Nothing will change in your life or business if nothing changes.
If you want to hit your goals (even the unrealistic ones), you need to start realizing things change and act accordingly.
Most of the time, even big agencies that I talk with know they need to do something about their operations but don’t because: “Well, it’s gotten us here, so it must work.”
It’s hard to argue with the phrase if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, but it sounds like whoever made that up didn’t envision the 21st-century technologies we have now.
So, I leave you with this:
That course, book, coach, or agency that you think might help you level up?
Pull the trigger.
What else are you going to spend that money on? Another drink at the bar?
Either it works or it doesn't, but you can always learn.
And that’s the gold.
PS: As Q4 wraps up, I’m taking only taking on 1 more client before expanding into the new year. So, if you think it’s time to move up the ladder of leverage, book a free ops audit with me, and I’ll show you the way.
Note: This is not a sleazy sales call; it is just a chat to see if we would work well together!
Until next Saturday, Peace out.
Your friend,
PSS: I’ve been thinking about changing the form of my email list to 2-3 times per week instead of the weekly format.
You might have already noticed this when I stopped labeling what # issue this is.
Essentially, instead of once per week, I would share stories, insights, value, new templates, prompts & GPTs, multiple times per week but in a more concise & personal fashion.
And yes, even a few promotional emails.
(unsubscribe now already if this bothers you lol)
But I’d love to hear what you think!