TPS #42 3 Key Lessons Building 20+ Digital Products

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In my short journey so far as an entrepreneur, I’ve built over 20 digital products.

Most are Notion templates & systems I’ve created that help me and my clients save tons of time while increasing their profit margins.

But whether you’re an entrepreneur, founder, or agency owner, digital products are one of the most lucrative revenue streams you can have.

That is if you do it the right way. (Not like everyone else)

Which brings us here today.

In today’s newsletter, I’m diving into the 3 key lessons I’ve learned from creating, marketing & selling these templates.

Irresistible Value Hooks Customers

Far and away, the #1 lesson I’ve learned is this:

If your product doesn’t demonstrate irresistible value upfront, it’s dead in the water.

I’ve found the best way to showcase immense value is by giving away something incredible for free first.

This could be a limited-time tool, a multi-part video course, an informational webinar - something that provides massive value at no cost to leads.

But most important, it solves a problem.

This builds immense goodwill and social proof. When you eventually make your paid offer, consumers have experienced your value firsthand. It becomes a no-brainer purchase decision.

For example, this takes place in email funnels all the time.

Landing page → Lead magnet for email → Funnel to paid product.

Of course, this is just an email funnel, but the same principle can be done effectively throughout all of your marketing.

Smaller Niche = Higher $$$

Another huge lesson: highly targeted niche products convert at far higher rates.

General products attract general interest. But niche products? You attract raving fans who need that exact solution.

They pay big money because you’ve specifically tailored the product to their underserved needs.

Of course, a more niche audience means a smaller total market size. But their loyalty and willingness to pay premium pricing more than makes up for it.

For example, if you had a course that was for “Entrepreneurs” to make more money.

Maybe $19 bucks unless you have some insane influence.

But take it a step further, a course for “Solopreneurs” to make more money online that’s more valuable.

A step further: a course for “No-Code Solopreneurs” to start a business in under 29 days…

Well, that’s something you could charge $199+ for.

Because your audience feels like they’re being directly spoken to.

Automate *Almost* Everything

Lastly, I’ve learned automation is mandatory if you want to build new products while still focusing on business growth.

I leverage automation to streamline every aspect of product creation, marketing, delivery and support.

This frees me up to devote time to innovation - creating new offerings rather than getting bogged down executing past ones.

For example, I use AI copywriting tools to draft marketing materials, drag-and-drop platforms to quickly build landing pages and automated email sequences for onboarding and support.

Without these automation, I’d quickly get overwhelmed trying to manually do it all myself. They enable scalable growth.

Allowing you to focus on higher-leverage tasks.

Creating even more leverage in the process.

That sums up the 3 key lessons building over 20 digital products has taught me so far - the importance of value, niches, and automation.

I’d love to hear the lessons and stories you’ve learned from digital products.

But for now, that’s all I got.

Your friend, Hunter.


PS: Whenever you're ready, here are two-way I can help you:

  1. Dive deeper into the world of AI & systems with my FREE templates & ALL premium systems → Shop

  2. Achieve more with less stress. Get more time for your family, hobbies, and what you love with best-in-class workspaces to scale your online business → ProfitPilot