TPS #45– The Unspoken Challenges of Solopreneurship

Read Time: 2mins 39s

Hey everyone, It’s Hunter.

Thanks for joining me on this wonderful Saturday.

The solopreneur journey promises unparalleled freedom. Ditch the boss, be your own man, make money online, and work for yourself on your own terms!

But the harsh reality is: Solopreneurship also comes loaded with challenges that we never saw coming. (or at least I didn’t think about it.)

The instability of unpredictable income, the uncertainty of where your next client will come from, the sheer overwhelm of wearing ALL the hats in your business, the isolation of working solo - it's not as glamorous as portrayed.

Yet, these mental strains are rarely acknowledged publicly. Well, it's time to shine a light on the unglamorous side of solopreneurship. And share some perspectives from my own journey on coping.

And it’s not to say I’m not grateful. Most issues I have today, I would be incredibly grateful to have 2 years ago. Which in my eyes, is growth.

But I think talking about these topics is important.

Instead of letting them get the upper hand on us.

The Invisible Downsides of Working Alone

First, let's peel back the curtain and acknowledge the tough parts of working solo that no one talks about:

  • The income rollercoaster - some months, revenue flows and you're flush. Others, you're scraping by to pay rent.

  • No safety net - one bad client or mistake can cost you big time, and there is no one there to catch you when you slip.

  • Motivation struggles are constant - with no team or boss, every day you must self-start and push yourself without outside accountability.

  • Overwhelm is frequent - be prepared to wear ALL the hats ALL the time as a one-person show. It's easy to get buried.

  • Loneliness is real - humans inherently need connection and community. However solopreneurs tend to be isolated and alone.

It’s easy to talk about the glamorous part of this life like living on your own terms, making your own money, and being your own boss.

But, these kinds of stresses are real and I know myself and many other entrepreneurs out there feel them.

It’s just not “cool” to talk about the difficulties.

How I've Coped with the Challenges as a Solopreneur

In my own solopreneur journey, I've absolutely faced dark moments of anxiety, exhaustion, burnout and self-doubt. It's an ongoing rollercoaster.

But over time, through trial and error, I have found strategies that help me cope effectively:

  • Systems over goals - designed predictable routines and systems that I can rely on versus chasing major accomplishments and milestones.

  • Automation liberates - leverage tools like AI to eliminate drudgery tasks that drain precious mental focus each day.

  • Niche communities connect - surround myself with kindred spirits who "get it" and can relate to the solopreneur path.

  • Wellness first - without physical and mental health, nothing else matters or functions. Prioritize it ruthlessly.

  • Give abundantly - find meaning by contributing to and supporting others' journeys, not just your own.

I can full-heartedly say that:

Yes it’s hard, but it’s also worth it.

You're Not Alone Out There

At the end of the day, remember you're not the only solopreneur confronting these mental and emotional challenges.

We ALL face those same battles with doubt, uncertainty, isolation and overload at times. It's part of this path we've chosen.

But together, we can build solutions, communities, and systems to take on those challenges - and thrive.

If this resonated you with, I’d love to chat.

There needs to be more real conversations about the ups and the downs.

But that’s all I got for now.

Until next Saturday,

Peace out,

Your friend,


PS: Whenever you're ready, here are two-way I can help you:

  1. Dive deeper into the world of AI & systems with my FREE templates & ALL premium systems → Shop

  2. Achieve more with less stress. Get more time for your family, hobbies, and what you love with best-in-class workspaces to scale your online business → ProfitPilot