TPS #46– Capture Ideas In Seconds (use this system)

Read Time: 3mins 28s

Hey everyone, Hunter here.

I’m so glad to have you joining us on this terrific Saturday.

We’ve all been there.

Going for a walk or out to dinner with friends and - BAM - an amazing business idea hits you. Or the perfect name for your new product pops in your head while you're walking the dog.

But unless you stop everything immediately to write it down, it's gone when you return to thinking about it later. Lost forever.

As an entrepreneur and writer, I was constantly losing sparks of inspiration that came to me throughout the day. It was immensely frustrating. Not only did it result in wasted ideas, it drained my overall creativity over time.

I firmly believe that human beings are meant to generate ideas, not to store them.

This is how I knew I desperately needed a better system to catch ideas on the fly before they slipped away.

So I designed a simple process for capturing inspirations in seconds. Now I never lose a flash of brilliance again. (because we all have them)

In today’s Newsletter, We’ll go through the system that changed my idea-capturing game. Plus, a key Notion tool that makes it fast and seamless.

The Creative Struggle of Losing Ideas

We’ve all experienced that moment of inspiration that hits you out of the blue.

But unless you immediately stop what you’re doing to record the idea, it's gone when you return to thinking about it later.

That feeling alone is enough to drive me mad.

As someone who relies on constant creativity and ideas in my business, losing these insights was incredibly frustrating.

And if you’re reading this newsletter, I’m guessing I’m not alone here.

It made it so much harder to be prolific, forcing me to re-rack my brain trying to recreate lost inspirations from scratch.

My failure to capture the ideas constantly bubbling up was draining my creative juices over time.

I knew I desperately needed a better system to never lose a potential inspiration again.


My Simple Idea Capture System

After months of trial and error, here is the quick yet reliable idea-capturing system I devised:

  1. Have an Idea capture database ready to go to store all of your new ideas and tag them appropriately.

  2. Have a “Quick Capture” or “Ideas” widget on your home screen.

  3. Get the “Instant Notion” to add a lock screen widget to 3x the speed.

  4. Review, write, & edit your ideas later.

With this process, capturing any idea takes literally 5-10 seconds. But it ensures I never lose a moment of inspiration again - they're safely stored for when I need them.

Level Up Idea Capture with a Mobile Notion Widget

To make my system even faster and more seamless, I use the Instant Notion mobile app for its handy widgets.

This lets me open a mini idea capture box instantly from my lockscreen without opening any apps.

Now, no matter where I am, I can jot down an idea in 5 seconds flat. Just open my lock screen, tap the widget, voice dictate the concept, or type it out, and I'm done.

It's completely frictionless and ensures ideas never slip away, no matter how busy I am.

Check it out → Instant Notion on Appstore (No I’m not affiliated with them)

Why This Simple System is So Game-Changing

  1. It's incredibly fast and seamless - no excuse or barrier not to capture ideas.

  2. Storing ideas lets me review and expand on them later when planning content.

  3. Tagging concepts allows me to filter my bank by categories like "newsletter topics."

  4. Accessing my idea vault sparks creativity when I'm feeling stuck or uninspired.

(Which, yes, does happen to all of is)

The bottom line? By implementing this system, I capture 10X more ideas that I can leverage in my business & in my content - and never lose a great thought again.

It requires minimal effort but pays dividends every time I sit down to create and need inspiration.

Bonus: Grab Yours Now

This newsletter wouldn’t be complete unless I built out a replica of what I actually use on the day-to-day.

S of course, I’m not going to make you build this out yourself.

I created your very own Instant Idea Capture System.  

It’s simple but effective.

Give this simple system a try. I guarantee you'll be amazed at how many ideas you capture that would normally be lost in the hustle of life.

That’s all I got for you today!

I hope you get some value out of the idea system, I know I have. (I’d love to get your feedback)

And until next time,

Peace out.

Your friend,

PS: Whenever you're ready, here are two-way I can help you:

  1. Dive deeper into the world of AI & systems with my FREE templates & ALL premium systems → Shop

  2. Achieve more with less stress. Get more time for your family, hobbies, and what you love with best-in-class workspaces to scale your online business → ProfitPilot