TPS #53– My Top 4 Notion Power Tools

Read Time: 3mins 2s

As I’m sure you already know, Notion is crazy flexible right out of the box.

But throw in some integrations from their growing ecosystem, and you can create your workspace into a literal productivity powerhouse.

Not sure what I’m talking about?

That’s alright. I didn’t know for a while, either.

I’m talking about tools built on top of Notion.

After obsessively trying what feels like a zillion different plugins and tools, I've narrowed it down to my must-have top 4 that I use constantly to unlock next-level Notion.

If you’re anything like me, you use Notion for managing, tracking, & storing all sorts of information.

So why not add some toys on top that make our lives better?

Today, I’m going to run you through the 4 tools built on top of Notion that will supercharge your workspace like a hellcat.

1. - Instant Websites

I am no web designer.

But I am a great Notion designer.

Could these two worlds possibly meet?

Look no further with 

Now I know what you’re saying:

“But, Hunter, we can already publish a Notion page to the web and share it with others.”

And you would be correct.

But you can’t add a custom domain, change background colors, and do all sorts of customizations that you might want to make your site pretty.

With Super you now can.

I’ve used it to make my landing pages, personal brand websites, MVP sites, and the list goes on and on.

Since I am MUCH faster with building templates than I am building websites…

It seems like a no-brainer for Notion creators.

(No, none of these tools are affiliated with me either)

2. Apption- The Widget Library

If you like even more functionality inside your workspace.

First, me too.

Secondly, you need to try Apption.

I've added calendars, timers, clocks, and even the solar system inside my Notion workflow.

Apption curates almost all the great Notion widgets inside one place, which is incredibly useful for getting the right tool the first time.

One of my favorite parts of this software:

The ability to create your own embeddable widgets with HTML code.

Seen here on 

3. Save to Notion - Effortless saving

This browser extension has easily saved me 100+ hours over the past year.

I’m not kidding.

Anything I’m “too busy” for right now can easily be saved into my Noiton for me to read later.

YouTube videos, articles, threads, tweets, newsletters, you name it, you can save it.

And it works with the browser you’re using right now.

I used to try and save my tabs in neatly sorted bookmarks in my browser, but very quickly, I lost them & never used them again.

Now I have a place to save everything I will need later. (And not get lost)

These are the current saves I have set up with Save to Notion.

Which all save to my databases for me to retrieve later.

4. Notion2Charts - Visualize Data

As an ops nerd, I love being able to visualize my data in Notion.

And that’s why I love Notion2Charts

It allows me to turn any table into sleek, interactive charts and graphs.

I use it to track finances, habits, and other metrics over time. Being able to see trends visually provides insights I would otherwise never get.

It’s super easy to set up, and I’m still coming up with use cases for this tool.

I’d love to see what you can create with this one.

Example chart from Notion2Charts

What's Your Notion Power-Up Stack?

Notion's flexibility means we can all mold it to our unique needs.

Which can be intimidating at first, but with these tools, I feel like there is nothing I can’t do within my workspace.

But I'm always looking for new gems to try out and further trick out my digital headquarters!

What are your must-have tools or plugins for unlocking next-level Notion?

Give me your top picks - I need the juice!

I’m not kidding; I’d love to hear what you use.

But for now, that’s all I got.

Thanks for reading today, everyone. I’m truly blessed.

Until next time,

Peace out, Hunter.

PS: Whenever you're ready, here are three ways I can help you:

  1. Need to upgrade your business’s Notion workflow? Book a free discovery call with me 🙂 , your fractional COO→ ProfitPilot

  2. Dive deeper into the world of AI & systems with my FREE templates & ALL premium systems → Shop

  3. Get Rize 25% off for the first 3 months. It’s the productivity tracking software I use every single day.